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IMEC to Host Cybersecurity Session

Risk Management & the Importance of Cybersecurity

The Greater Peoria EDC in partnership with IMEC will host a cybersecurity session entitled, “Risk Management: The Importance of Cybersecurity for Defense Manufacturing” with an emphasis on current and future defense contractors and sub-contractors. The event will take place on July 30 at the Peoria Next Innovation Center.

IMEC_logo_notagIdentifying the risks facing your company is the first step. How is your team prepared to address and resolve potential threats – for the security of your products, customers and employees?

By attending this half day event, manufacturing leaders – with a particular emphasis placed on current and future defense contractors and sub-contractors – will learn more about risk management considerations and how to integrate an effective cybersecurity approach and mitigate the risks of cyber threats.

Attendees will also:

  • Learn how to identify and combat these risks from industry solutions specialists
  • Start developing their risk plan through a cyber security framework
  • Leave with action steps to help improve their risk management
  • Have an opportunity to sign-up for individual organization assessments and follow-on planning

You can find more information here or contact Emily Lee at with questions.

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